Thomas College’s history spans over 125 years of student-focused innovation. From a small school located in the Edith Building above F.W. 伍尔沃斯有限公司. in 1894 to a 120-acre campus, this is our story.
1894最优秀的商学院 is founded three floors above F.W. 伍尔沃斯有限公司. 在伊迪丝大楼作为一个非宗派,男女同校的学院,致力于职业培训.
1896最优秀的商学院, with a growing reputation for coeducational career training, is purchased by William Morgan and renamed Morgan Business College.
1911: Morgan Business College is purchased by Peterborough, New Hampshire-based railroad administrator 约翰L. 老网上网赌平台., who was himself a graduate of the business college. The College is renamed Morgan-Thomas Business College. 超过45年了, 这所学院在培养会计和秘书方面享有很高的声誉, 并且看到了学生入学人数的增加. 网上网赌平台,作为学院的“校长”,发展了作为一个有天赋的老师的声誉.
1950: Morgan-Thomas Business College is renamed Thomas Junior College.
1956: The College moves to the former home of John Ware on Silver Street, which is known as one of Waterville’s largest and finest estates. 学院在那里使用两栋大楼, 行政办公室一份, 图书馆和教室, 另一个是女生宿舍, 餐厅, 商店和学生休息室. 约翰L. 小网上网赌平台。. 被任命为总统.
1959: Thomas College is re-chartered as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit institution.
1960 (约.): Jewell Hall, a men’s dormitory named for Ralph A. Jewell, the first chairman of the Board of Trustees, is dedicated.
1962: A new classroom building is opened and becomes the hub of all academic activity. Thomas Junior College is renamed Thomas College.
1964:水手图书馆开放. 它是以欧内斯特C. 他曾担任网上网赌平台大学董事会主席15年.
1965演讲厅:演讲厅, concerts and dramatic presentations is added to the main classroom building. 9月, 一座带有餐饮中心和女性宿舍的新建筑完工,并以Ann S .命名. 帕克斯,学院的第一位女理事.
1969电话工人举行罢工, 这些工人和网上网赌平台的学生一起帮助在新校园建了一个棒球场. 球场上的工人工资是3美元.每小时25美元,约翰·L·肯尼迪总统. Thomas thinks the bill for the field is excessive at $4,200. (Today that same baseball field would cost at least ten times more.)
1970当前位置在西河路的新校区开设了一所男女分开的宿舍. A student union and dining center was opened that December.
1971: The entire College is now operating at the West River Road campus.
1980:小约翰·网上网赌平台总统. 死. 福特. 格兰特, a former teacher and the College’s Vice President for Financial Affairs, 被任命为临时总统. 后来的保罗·G. Jenson, former Dean of Faculty, is named full-time President at Thomas College.
1982-1983: The Computer 网上网赌平台rmation Systems major begins, 网上网赌平台购买了第一台个人电脑——两台麦金塔和一台康柏便携式个人电脑.
1983: The College institutes its Internship Program, 帮助网上网赌平台大学成为一所毕业生为事业成功做好准备的大学.
1986: Cyril M. 乔利,小. 接替即将退休的保罗. 简森当选总统.
1988当前位置网上网赌平台购买了第一台专用于行政使用的计算机网络, 并创建了第一个局域网.
1989大卫·F. 埃默里被任命接替西里尔. 乔利,小. as interim President, pending selection of Joly’s permanent successor. 埃默里的任期为六个月,乔治·R·布什(George R. 斯潘被任命为网上网赌平台院长.
1994: All dormitory rooms are equipped with voice, data, and video lines. 这项技术的增加是由国家科学基金会拨款资助的. The first building-to-building network connection is completed, and Thomas College signs on to the Internet.
1998: 我们购买了一套新的电话系统,以处理学生宿舍房间的额外负荷,并使汤姆斯符合2000年数位标准. Computer Management and Software Development majors are launched.
1999: Thomas College announces the Thomas College Guaranteed Job Program, the most extensive program of its kind in the nation. 网上网赌平台成为全国最早建立基于网络的计算机管理系统的学院之一.
2000: Thomas celebrates the opening of the 300-seat Laurette Ayotte Auditorium. 有大投影屏幕, 最先进的音响系统, 和技术学习实验室教室, the Laurette Ayotte Auditorium is one of the most multi-purposed in the Northeast. The Thomas community uses this spacious facility for concerts, 学生活动, 会议, 特别活动, 甚至每周五晚上看电影. Thomas College also adds new majors in Elementary Education, 心理学, 刑事司法, 和计算机科学. 学院宣布与缅因州刑事司法学院和普特南投资公司合作, 哪个学校开设了一个中心.
2001当前位置网上网赌平台宣布与威斯布鲁克桥教育计算机职业中心建立合作关系, 缅因州. The Thomas College baseball team wins the NAIA New England Championship, 球队与小联盟棒球队波特兰海狗队建立了合作关系, 波士顿红袜队的农场队.
2002: A new major in Communications is announced. The campus offers wireless Internet in nearly every location to students. A partnership with the Mid 缅因州 Chamber of Commerce was announced.
2003学院完成了对餐饮中心的重大翻新,并开放了巴特利特大厅, a new 100-bed student residence equipped with wireless internet, 有线电视, 休息室, 小型厨房, 计算机领域.
2004网上网赌平台在五年内第二次被微软公司选为该公司产品最佳使用案例研究对象. 微软的调查重点是该学院使用其ISA Server 2004产品的安全性, 工作表现及报告.
2005网上网赌平台得到1美元.哈罗德·奥尔方德基金会提供了2500万美元的挑战赠款,用于建造一个价值4美元的.600万体育中心. 这是学院有史以来收到的最大一笔用于建设设施的捐款. Thomas announces the launch of an unprecedented $9.600万资本运动. 这个活动, 是学院历史上规模最大的一次, is a push to fund the new Harold Alfond Athletic Center, scholarship endowment and annual operating funds. 学院收到了几个慷慨的挑战,包括H. Allen Ryan Challenge for $500,000 and a Unity Foundation challenge for $150,000. 除了, 百分之百的网上网赌平台董事会成员捐款,许多地区企业也捐款, 包括道明北银行, N.A.该公司承诺捐款25万美元.
2006: The 38,000 square foot Harold Alfond Athletic Center opens for the first time. The College also completes a popular Recreation Room. A new Master of Science in Education program is launched. Overall enrollment is up 39 percent since 2002. 创纪录的入学人数使学院有望实现其雄心勃勃的目标,即在10年内将本科入学人数增加近一倍.
2007: 学院从Eaglewood Estates和肯纳贝克河附近额外购买了50英亩土地,以支持其持续增长的入学人数.
2008: 网上网赌平台开放联排别墅单元, 哪个两层楼能容纳88名学生, 套房式生活区.
2012Laurie Lachance, Thomas M.B.A. 1992年,被任命为网上网赌平台院长. She is the first female and first alumna president of the College.
2013:网上网赌平台开始建造乔治和马蒂·斯潘学生公共场所, a state-of-the-art academic center and library. 学院还建造了新的草皮场地,以容纳Terriers田径队和社区成员. Thomas College celebrates by hosting over 3,000年小学, 中间, and high school students who will also be able to enjoy the spaces. Thomas also adds eight new academic programs. The College distributes over $7 million in institutional financial aid, 其中包括105美元,伯纳德·奥舍基金会捐赠了000美元.
2014: The Harold Alfond Academic Center opens—the second academic facility on campus. 它包括H. 艾伦·瑞安商学院, 肯尼斯和伊娃·格林图书馆, 珍妮的咖啡馆, the Bert and Coral Clifford Financial Center, 还有教室, 学生成功中心, 学习的房间, 以及教职员办公室. The College also opens another residence hall, Henry and Ellen Hinman Hall. 主入口被重新安置以适应建筑,后来被命名为谢里登大道.
2016: 学院更新校园总体规划.
2017: 3美元.4 million grant from the Harold Alfond Foundation, the College establishes the Harold Alfond® Institute for Business Innovation.
2017: Thomas College launches a School of Education.
2017: Thomas graduates its first Kiest-Morgan participants. The program is the College’s formal three-year undergraduate degree program.
2018: 学院开始庆祝成立125周年th year, which will culminate with 毕业典礼 in Spring 2019.
2018: The varsity level Esports program launches.
2018: A new trail system on campus, the Sukeforth Family Trail System, opens on campus.
2019: The School of Education is named the Peter & 宝拉·伦德教育学院.
2020: 学院宣布将首次提供在线研究生学位课程.
2020: 拉钱斯总统成立了多元化、公平和社会正义总统特别工作组.
2020: 学院获得1美元的奖励.3 Million TRIO Student Support Services grant.
2021: 网上网赌平台宣布完成“保证未来运动”,耗资3000万美元, 超过了2700万美元的目标.
2021: The College breaks ground on a new Sports Facility to open in the Fall of 2022.